We are an advanced Neurology Residency Program, which means training begins with the PGY2 year. You must secure a preliminary PGY1 year in internal medicine on your own.
We only accept application materials through ERAS, but we recruit outside the Match on a rolling basis. In most cases, we will not interview you until after you’ve secured a PGY1 position (either through the Match or outside the Match), and we often wait for letters of support from your PGY1 program before making an offer. Nonetheless, we like to review the applications in advance, so if you are interested in our program, we encourage you to submit your materials to us through ERAS in the Fall at the same time that you are applying to other programs. If you are particularly interested in training in Brooklyn at OBH, please feel free to signal us in ERAS.
If you are already enrolled in a PGY1 internal medicine program, you should apply to us as soon as possible through ERAS, as we only have a limited number of positions still available at that time. If we interview you and decide to make you an offer, we will request that you withdraw from the Match to accept our offer.
Program name: SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University/One Brooklyn Health System Program
Program ID: 1803500002